This information text has been prepared by the data controller, İme Elektrik Müh. Taah. San ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. (“Company”), within the scope of the Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data (“KVKK”) Article 10 and the Communique on the Principles and Procedures to be Followed in Fulfillment of the Obligation to Inform.


The purpose of this text is to inform you about the purposes for which we use cookies on our website, and how you can manage these cookies, regarding the processing of personal data automatically obtained by placing cookies on your device.


Except for mandatory cookies, for the cookies used on our website, the explicit consent of users is obtained and they are provided with the opportunity to change their consents at any time. Users can view the types of cookies used on our website through the cookie management panel and choose their preferences with the “on” or “off” options for all cookies other than mandatory cookies. Users can also change their preferences at any time via this panel.


Types of Cookies:


According to their usage period, our website uses session cookies and persistent cookies. Session cookies are used to ensure the continuity of the session and are deleted when the user closes their browser. Persistent cookies, on the other hand, are not deleted when the internet browser is closed, but are automatically deleted after a certain date or period.


First-party and third-party cookies: Whether a cookie is first-party or third-party depends on the website or domain that sets the cookie. First-party cookies are set by the website that the user visits directly, i.e. the internet address shown in the browser’s address bar. Third-party cookies are set by a domain other than the one the user is visiting.


Types of cookies according to their purposes:


The following cookies are used on our website according to their purposes:


Necessary Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the functioning of our website. They are first-party cookies and process personal data during the session (excluding cookies related to privacy preferences, as these cookies have a longer lifespan than the session). They are automatically deleted when the session ends. These cookies are used to fulfill the information society service you requested (such as filling out forms and remembering privacy preferences). Additionally, they enable the counting of visitors and measuring traffic on our website for performance and analytical purposes, and they are first-party cookies. This way, we can measure and improve the performance of our website. These cookies help us understand which pages on our website are the most popular and which ones are the least popular.


Advertising/Marketing Cookies: These cookies are third-party cookies placed by our advertising partners on our website. They are used by our partners to profile your interests and show you relevant ads.


Functional Cookies: These cookies are used to make our website more functional and for personalization purposes (excluding privacy preferences, they remember your other preferences when you revisit the site).


Purposes and Legal Bases for Processing Personal Data


Necessary cookies are used to fulfill the information society service you requested (such as filling out forms, remembering privacy preferences, counting visitors and measuring traffic on our website). The personal data collected through these cookies is processed based on Article 5/2-(c) of the Law, which states that processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract, and/or Article 5/2-(f) which states that processing of personal data is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the data controller, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject.


Advertising and Marketing Cookies are used by our partners to profile your interests and show you relevant ads. The personal data collected through these cookies is processed based on your explicit consent under Article 5/1 of the Law.


Functional Cookies are used to make our website more functional and for personalization purposes. The personal data collected through these cookies is processed based on your explicit consent under Article 5/1 of the Law.


Cookie Settings from Browser Settings


You can change your cookie preferences at any time by clicking on the icon on our website. Adjust the buttons on the cookie management panel to your preference, and click the “Save Settings” button. Refresh the page to activate your settings.


In addition, you can partially control cookies with your browser settings. You can access information on managing cookies in popular browsers through the following links:


Google Chrome


Mozilla Firefox






Your Rights under Article 11 of the Personal Data Protection Law


Learn whether your personal data is being processed,

Request information if your personal data has been processed,

Learn the purpose of processing your personal data and whether they are being used appropriately,

Know the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred within or outside the country,

Request the correction of your personal data if they are incomplete or inaccurate, and request that the correction is notified to the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred,

Request the deletion or destruction of your personal data if they are processed in violation of the Law and other relevant legislation, and request that the deletion or destruction is notified to the third parties to whom your personal data is transferred,

Object to the occurrence of a result against you as a result of the analysis of the processed data solely through automated systems,

Request compensation for damages if you suffer damages due to the illegal processing of your personal data.


You can submit your requests for the mentioned rights by filling out the Data Controller Application Form on the website and sending it to us.